Organization Structure
The Organization tree of Christ Apostolic Church is as shown below
The Principal Officers of Christ Apostolic Church (Worldwide) is made up of :
The President,
The General Superintendent,
The General Evangelist,
The General Secretary,
The Finance Director
General Executive Council
General Executive Council (GEC) is the governing council of Christ Apostolic Church. The Council is composed of the Trustee, selected Superintendents, and some other designated members of the organization, such as the treasurer and some leading Elders. There are over 100 members (90 members and other co-opted members) of the GEC. (View the GEC)
Districts Coordination Council (DCC)
The DCC is an agglomeration of Districts. Up to 20 Districts form a DCC. A group of Assemblies (Churches) forms a District. The DCC is the highest level of organization of Assemblies in CAC. The head of a DCC is called the DCC Superintendent.
A zone is a lower form of DCC. It was created to allow a group of Districts, which are not enough to form a DCC, the opportunity to grow. Basically, when a Zone is created, the Zonal Superintendent intensifies evangelism and church planting to grow into a DCC. The head of the Zone is also called the Zonal Superintendent. A Zone cannot be a subset of a DCC. It stands on its own.
Special District
A Special District is a group of Assemblies that outnumbers what is reasonably called a District. Even though it has only one District, it can neither be a subset of a DCC nor a subset of a Zone. A special District stands on its own and its leader is also called a Superintendent. A Special District can grow into a Zone and into a DCC by breaking its District into several Districts.
A group of Assemblies, usually around the same geographical location, forms a District. The leader of a District, usually a Pastor of one of the Assemblies in the District, is called District Superintendent. A group of Districts form either a Zone or a DCC. A Zone requires lesser number of Districts than a DCC.
Assemblies are the lowest unit of church organization in CAC. The Assembly is just the regular local church. Up to 35 Assemblies may form a District. The head of a Church is the Senior Pastor. Other Ministers of a church are the Curate (Assistant Pastor), Associate Pastors, Youth Pastor, and Evangelists. The Church is administered by Elders and Deacons.