88 students graduated, as CAC Theological Seminary, Ibadan Campus holds 21st Convocation Ceremony

By 'Gbenga Bankole

Christ Apostolic Church Theological Seminary (CACTS), Ibadan Campus, Ibadan, Oyo state on Saturday October 12, 2019 held her 21st Convocation Ceremony.

The school graduated her 21st set of 29 degree students, 29 diploma students and 30 certificate students.

The Coordinator of CACTS, Ibadan Campus, Pastor (Dr.) Stephen O. Ajayi told the new graduands not to do the kingdom's work as they wish, but according to the will of God.

In his exact words: "today, we are sending you as the "Lights" to the dark world, where darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people. Therefore, you are to arise and shine brightly, for your light has come, and the glory of God will rise upon you. Remember, kingdom's work is not done as you wish, but according to the will of God. Obedience to God's word is the key that paves way to the greatest heights in life.

"Shun all evil, avoid worldliness and do not be conformed to the world. At every crossroad, call unto God, for His arm is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Therefore, worship God in spirit and in truth."

The Cleric also charged the graduands to remember the sound Christian theological training which they have gone through and demonstrate it in the world.

He implored them to be good examples in the Christendom and everywhere they go, saying that they should preach the word of God in season and out of season and live the Word.

The Provost of CAC Theological Seminary, Ile-Ife, Pastor Stephen O.A. Afolabi said the graduands have succeeded in joining the lucky ones in the world of intellectuals.

He implored them not to start to feel that they are fulfilled, urging them to forge ahead to update themselves in order not to be outdated.

The Chairman, CAC Theological Seminary Governing Council, Pastor E.S. Famiyide urged the graduands not to pass through the institution alone, but allow the institution to pass through them.

Pastor Famuyide further implored the graduands to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, saying that they should preach the gospel without adulteration or sentiment.

The Cleric also advised the graduands to pray like the Apostles of old and like CAC founding fathers.

He added that they should be innovative, should not follow unnecessary tradition that are baseless in the scripture, adding that they should be family-oriented Ministers, and be heavenly focused.

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