Challenges are inevitable in life. Every living human being
has to face one challenge or the other. Although it varies, no man can escape
life’s challenges. The road to success is not straight, there are curves, there
are ups and downs, there are pits, and potholes, only people with strong wheel,
determination and focus will be able to journey through it.
People naturally want an easy life, and they want everything
to go smoothly, they pray for a life without ups and downs but the reality
remains that, no one can live a fulfilled life without passing through ups and
Abraham had his share of life’s challenges before he can be
called the father of faith. He faced the challenge of childlessness for many
years, but today his testimony is an outstanding one. What about the
misunderstanding between the herdsmen of Lot and his herdsmen that led to the
separation between them and Lot has to choose the best place living his uncle
Abraham to where he (Lot) felt is not good enough but Abraham handled it with maturity
and it turns to blessing for him.
He also had a matrimonial challenge when there was a clash
between Sarah his wife and Hagar the slave, and Sarah demanded that Hagar
should be sent out of the house with her son who was supposed to be the firstborn
of Abraham but he was matured enough to follow divine direction.
Isaac also had his share of life’s challenges. He also had a
delay but after intensive prayer, God gave him two nations (Male Children). He
had confrontation from people who felt he’s becoming too strong for them. But
he was able to face those challenges and he became a testimony for us today.
Jacob had his share of life’s challenges, his brother wanted
to kill him because of what he did, he left home empty in search of life’s
partner, Laban gave him the woman he never loved after seven years of active
service, he served for another seven years to get the women he loved but, the
woman he loved also had a delay in childbearing and other challenges faced by
Jacob but all ended in testimonies.
Joseph, a young man with a wonderful dream also had his
share of life’s challenges. He was sold into slavery by his blood brothers
because of envy. He became a slave boy in Potiphar’s house doing works he never
did in his father’s house. He was sent to prison by Potiphar for the offense he
never committed but everything ended in testimony.
Moses had his own life’s challenges too, at birth he was
hidden because of the fear of death, he was placed on the river because of the
same fear. He had to hide his identity to live in the king’s palace, for him
not to be killed. When his identity was discovered, he had to run out of Egypt.
Moses was a physically challenged person (a stammerer) he had a challenge in
leading the people who never believed in him. They spoke against him, they
rebelled against him, they frustrated him but he was able to take them far.
The Israelites themselves had challenges on their way to the
Promised Land. They met things they never bargained for. The red sea was on
their way. They had to pass through the wilderness where no one to help when
challenges come, except God whom they never know. They were hungry, thirsty,
sometimes they drank bitter water, enemies rose against them, snakes bite them,
and so many challenges but in the end, they got to the Promised Land.
David also had life’s challenges, Daniel and the three
Hebrews. Even Jesus our Lord has his challenges in life. He never had where to
lay his head. The very God himself, who was rich in glory had to endure the
cross, he died like a criminal, he was ridiculed but utter no statement. He
never promised us a challenge-free life, he said in the world you shall see
tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. John 16:33.
No one becomes an overcomer who has not been to the battle
before, so life challenges are inevitable, but how do we face them? That we
will not become a victim, because there are people who did not overcome life
How to face life’s challenges
See challenges as God’s way of bringing out the best in you
Your mental picture determines your actual future. You
cannot be greater than what you see. Your perception of life’s challenges
determines your result in it. The starting point to your victory over life’s
challenges is to see God using it to bring out the best in you.
Stop asking why me? The answer is because you are the next
to be promoted and that challenge is your promotion examination. Stop asking
who is responsible? It is God who is at work in you both to will and to do of
his good purpose. Philippians 2:13. God wants to bring out his glory from it.
John 9:3. Gold will not shine until it passes through fire. Whatever you are
passing through now, you will come out of it better than you have been before,
all you need to do is to see God in it.
Be positive in your approach
If you want to come
out a victor from life’s challenges, you must be positive in your approach.
Never feel defeated even at the toughest moment. Stop trying to look for
someone to be blamed for your predicament. Embrace life as a gift of God and
appreciate God for the opportunities ahead.
Trust God for your victory
Your faith and trust in God has a lot to do with your
victory from life’s challenges. Proverbs 3:5 encourages us to trust God with
our heart, that he may direct our path. David explained how he overcame his own
life’s challenges in Psalm 23, as he believed God enough to follow his leading.
Daniel trusted God to go through the lion’s den and he came out a victor.
Daniel 6:1-24. The three Hebrews trusted God to go through the fire and they
came out in victory. Daniel 3:1- 30. If you put your trust in the Lord you will
not be disappointed. God Never loses any battle so also those who trust Him
will win all battles because he will be the one fighting for them.
Build your confidence in God
Psalm 27:13 said, I am still confident of this, that I will
see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. David in 1 Samuel 30,
after his family had been captured, encouraged himself in the Lord. Mostly
during life’s challenges, fear sets in but when you build your confidence in
God, you will be able to overcome the fear. Face the challenges and come out a
Take bold steps
The four Lepers in 2 King 7 would have died of hunger, if
not that they took bold steps. Esther and the entire Jews would have been wiped
away if not that she took a bold step and approach the king. Pharaoh would have
met the Israelites at the side of the red sea and re-enslaved them, if not that
they took a bold step into the red sea and see God in action. If you want to
overcome life’s challenges, you must take bold steps.
Paul said in Romans 8:39, that “in all these, we are more
than conquerors, through him that loves us”. The challenges you are passing
through is part of that “all these,” face it and you will overcome
Pastor Doyin Adeyemi
Zonal Superintendent,
CAC, Light of the World Zone,