Pastor Simeon Oladokun |
By 'Gbenga Bankole
"For your life to have meaning in 2022 and for you to feel fulfilled at the end of the year, it is crucial to know whom God says you are and what He says about you," says the newly appointed Regional Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church, Anosike Region (Europe), Pastor Simeon Oladokun.
Pastor Oladokun stated this on Sunday January 2, 2022 while ministering on the topic "I Know Who I am", taking his text from 1st Peter chapter 2 verses 9 to 10.
He also added that;"It is not what people say about you that matters but what God; your Creator and Sustainer say about you that does really matter and that settles everything."
While expatiating on what God says about His children from the text (1st Peter chapter 2 verses 9 to 10), the Cleric noted that God says His children are acceptable.
"Most of us spend our entire lives trying to earn acceptance. We want to earn it from our parents, peers, partners in life, from people we respect ourselves, from people we envy. The drive to be accepted is a deep drive that drives us to do all kinds of things. It can influence the kind of clothes you wear, the kind of car you drive, the kind of house you buy, even the career you choose. But when you are chosen that does tremendous things for your self-esteem.So, the first thing Peter said is, "You are a chosen people. You have been chosen by God."1 Peter 2:9 (LB) Christ has accepted you and there's no condition listed there. It's not based on your performance or on something that you earned. You'll never deserve it. God simply says, "I chose you." Get that right in 2022," he explained.
He also said God says His children are valuable, explaining that;" God says, not only are you accepted,but you’re also valuable. Let me ask you this crucial question: ‘How much do you think you're worth?’I'm not talking about your net worth. I'm talking about yourself worth.Don't ever confuse your valuables with your value as a person. You can be rich or poor, but it has nothing to do with your value as a person. What determines value? There are two things that determine value in life: It depends on what somebody is willing to pay for something and it depends on who has owned it in the past.
Pastor Oladokun further stressed that God says His children are capable and competent to handle whatever happens in theirs lives in 2022.
He explained that;"Peter uses this term, "You are a royal priest". God says I'm a priest. Depending on your background that may be scary or confusing. Peter is saying that the two benefits that priests have are now available to everybody who is a believer.In the Old Testament, priests did two of the following things:They had the right, privilege and responsibility to go directly to God. They could pray to God, talk to God, worship God, and fellowship with God. Everybody else had to go through a priest. The priest had the privilege and responsibility of representing God to the people and ministering (serving) to the needs of other people. As for you, you have a right now to go directly to God -- direct access. You don't have to pray through anybody else,there is no more veil that separates.Secondly, God says you have been gifted for ministry to serve other people. Every Christian is a minister. Anytime you're using your talents and gifts to help others you're ministering. If you want to feel fulfilled in 2022, put your talents, your gifts to work by serving others, that is your ministry."
Fourthly, he said God says His children are loveable, explaining that;"That one sure feels good when you have had a broken heart. When you've been rejected you don't feel too lovable. When somebody has rejected you – a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/parent/ whatever -- you don't feel lovable, you feel useless. "Nobody loves me! I'm not worth anything! I'm not loved by anybody."The fact is: you're wrong. The Bible says "`Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isa. 54:10 (NIV)God's love will never end. There are two characteristics that make God's love different from human love:(1) God's love is consistent. It's never going to end.(2) God's love is unconditional. It's not based on performance. It's not based on you measuring up. It’s not based on your appearance; how good looking or not good looking you are. God says, in Christ, I am acceptable, I am valuable, and I am lovable. Even when I don't feel very lovely, He still loves me and His love is consistent."
Pastor Oladokun concluded that God says His children are forgivable.
"He says "You have received mercy."Some of you are still feeling guilty over the sins of the previous years which God has forgiven you of. God doesn't hold a grudge. The Bible says that non-believers who don't know Christ will go through the judgement but that if you put your trust in Christ, salvation means you've passed from death unto life -- bypassed the judgement. Isn’t that a Good News? Yes! Does that mean you are perfect? No, it means you are covered with His love. Dr. Charles Cooley is the Dean of American Sociology. He says this, "Your self-esteem, your self-worth or image is determined to a large degree by what you think the people or the person that matters most to you thinks about you." Friends, I want to suggest to you in 2022, that you make Jesus Christ the most important person in your life. Once you’ve done that, the question comes to you: Do you know who you are?God says by GRACE you're acceptable, you are valuable, you are capable, you are lovable, and you are surely forgivable. If you've never opened your heart to let Christmake His home there, do so right now," he concluded.