By 'Gbenga Bankole
The Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church, Oke-Ado Districts’ Coordinating Council (DCC), Ibadan, Pastor Gabriel S. Dada has harped on the need for everyone who has been born again to be broken or cut to size by the Word of God.
Pastor Dada who stated this while ministering on Saturday March 26, 2022 on the topic "Approved Worker of God" (Text: 2 Tim 2:14-16) at the Two Days Seminar organised by CAC Canaan Land Maya District headquarters, Lagos said anyone who has not been broken or cut to size by the Word of God is not born again.
He explained that "there are those who say they believe the Bible, but their lives deny the fact. Theoretically they boast that they are fundamentalists, but experimentally they are very inconsistent. We cannot have the Bible in the head and not also in the heart. Let us accept the full inspiration and authority of the whole Bible as the Word of God, and live accordingly. It is tragic to believe the Bible ”from cover to cover” and to be dishonest, disobedient, careless and perhaps even consciously living in sin."
"The Word of God is a sword (Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12) and a sword pierces and cuts. Do we allow the Sword of the Spirit to do its work when we read and study it? Do we seek to bring our lives into subjection to it? Do we allow the Word to criticise us and to adjust us to the will of God? The Word of God is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, and if we 'correctly handle' Scripture then we shall live to His glory and serve to His praise."
Pastor Dada also said that as Christians and as God’s servants, our chief concern should be to gain God’s approval, we should not seek the approval of men, even of our family and friends, but of God Himself.
He added that "sometimes, in order to gain God’s approval we have to lose men’s approval. John the Baptist discovered this (Matthew 14:8) and so did the man in John 9 (verse 34). Stephen also lost the approval of men but gained God’s approval (Acts 7:59). The same was true of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:23-24). So many Christians are careless and lack spiritual discipline. It is so easy for us to go with the crowd; to be worldly rather than spiritual (1 Corinthians 3:1-4); to live for ourselves instead of for Him (2 Corinthians 5:15). Not to gain God’s approval means to be ashamed before Him. There is a day coming when the Lord will review our life and service. This truth is brought before us in 1 Corinthians 3:13-15, and it will be most solemn if we have to blush with shame at this review."
According to him, Christians should be living for God’s approval, saying that we will be approved unto Him as we use the Bible to grow in godliness.
"Are you growing as a craftsman who uses God’s Word of truth accurately and skillfully to grow in godliness? The misuse of the Bible will lead you to ruin. The proper use will lead you to godliness," the Cleric emphasized.
On the qualities of approved workers of God, Pastor Dada noted that approved workers continually teach fundamental doctrines, approved workers have a strong awareness of God’s presence, approved workers avoid quarrels, approved workers are faithful Bible teachers, approved workers avoid false teaching and approved workers bear the marks of true salvation.