Possessing 2024: Until you begin to learn obedience, God will not commit anything into your hands in 2024, says Pastor Adeyemi


Pastor Gospel Remi Adeyemi

By 'Gbenga Bankole

The Regional Youth Coordinator of Christ Apostolic Church Youth Fellowship (CACYOF) Essien Region, Pastor Gospel Remi Adeyemi has pinpoint obedience and growth as the major keys to possess 2024.

According to him, God will not commit anything into the hands of anyone who has not learnt obedience.

Pastor Adeyemi stated this on Wednesday evening while ministering at an online programme on CAC News Facebook page tagged "Possessing 2024" organised by CAC News.

Quoting Hebrew chapter 5 from verse 8 to 9 which says "though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him", Pastor Adeyemi said, "before God could commit anything into Jesus hands, He had to learn obedience." 

"Until you beginning to learn obedience God will not commit anything into your hands."

According to him, before anyone could possess 2024, such must learn obedience to the level that Christ will be revealed in him or her. 

He also stated that one has to grow to the level of surrendering all to Jesus.

"You have to grow to level where it will be all of Jesus in you and none of you, it is at that level that you will begin to possess your possession and God will be comfortable to hand over things to you." He said.

"As we cross to 2024, you need to work on yourself. The greatest battle in your life are not foundational curses, evil covenants or evil powers, but ability to conquer yourself. You have to get to the level that you will be decreasing daily and He will be increasing in you. It's at that point God will beginning to get comfortable with you." He added.

While corroborating his point with Galatians chapter 4 verse 1 to 2, the Clergyman said there is a level of growth that until one gets there, God will not commit anything into such hands. 

"God will not do for you things that you demand from Him, He will only give you what you can manage or handle." 

"Holy Spirit has to develop you, you have to grow in the Spirit before you begin to handle the resources of heaven. You need the tutelage of Holy Spirit."

"You have to grow to a particular level before God will feel comfortable to commit some things into your hands or cause you to possess your possession." He said.

Pastor Adeyemi said being born again is not the end of the matter, it does not grant automatic access to resources of heaven, possession or portion in life, you must learn obedience and grow in Him.

Possessing 2024 online seven days programme continues today on CAC News Facebook page from 8pm to 9pm. Studio analysis will start from 7:50pm. You can join through the below link;


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