Members of Christ Apostolic Church across the globe on Sunday January 7, 2024 gathered for the first Sunday Service of the year. CAC News brings you compilation of first sermons of the year by some selected CAC Ministers
Read and meditate on the message for your spiritual growth and fulfillment in year 2024.
Below are the ministers and their messages:
Pastor Gideon O. Oladokun |
TEXT: GENESIS 15:1-7; GENESIS 17:1-5
By: Pastor Gideon O. Oladokun
DCC Superintendent – CAC Itire DCC, Lagos
It is very important for individuals to come to the knowledge of God in an intimate way because knowing Him will bring us pleasure, makes life more meaningful and interesting. God is the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe. How is He described? He is a Spirit, not flesh. Where is God? He is present everywhere at all times. When did God begin? God has been present throughout time. There has never been a time when He ceased to be. God has numerous and wonderful attributes. He is big; He is mighty; He is love. These words tell us Who God is. As we search the Bible, more of God is discovered. In the Bible, we see what God did, what He said, and how He acted. When we put these together, we have a clearer picture of Who God is. In Hebrew, the title "Almighty God" is written as El Shaddai and probably means “God, the All-powerful One” or "God, the All-Sufficient One or “The Mighty One of Jacob” Genesis 49:24; Psalm 132:2; 5 though there is a question among most Bible scholars as to its precise meaning. The title speaks to God’s ultimate power over all. He has all might and power. We are first introduced to this name in Genesis 17:1 when God appeared to Abram and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” However, if truly we believe in the Almightiness of God, we need to fix our eyes on Him as the only one who can bring an expected change and desire in the time like this, because there is no time and season that is out of God's control.
God has many names and attributes. He is the Almighty (Genesis 49:25), the Creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 14:19), Builder of everything (Hebrews 3:4), the King of heaven (Daniel 4:37), God of all mankind (Jeremiah 32:27), and the Eternal King. (Jeremiah 10:10). He is the only God (Jude 1:25), the Eternal God (Genesis 21:33), the Everlasting God (Isaiah 40:28), and Maker of all things (Ecclesiastes 11:5). He is able to do more things than we can ask or even imagine (Ephesians 3:20). He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted (Job 9:10). God’s power is unlimited. He can do anything He wants, whenever He wants (Psalm 115:3). He spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1:3). Furthermore, He answers to no one as to His plans and purposes: “All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him: ‘What have you done?’" (Daniel 4:35).
When we see God as the Almighty, we are struck by His power and by the fact that He is indeed a great, mighty, and awesome God (Deuteronomy 10:17). The identity of God as Almighty serves to establish the sense of awe and wonder we have toward Him and the realization that He is God above all things without limitation. This is important in view of how He is described next in the Bible. In Exodus 6:2-3, God said to Moses, “I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them.” How is this significant? It is significant because God, whom we previously knew only as God Almighty, has now given a new, more personal and intimate name to Moses and Israel. This desire on God’s part for a more personal relationship with mankind would culminate later when God Almighty sent His only Son to earth--God in flesh--to die on the cross so that a way for forgiveness of our sins could be provided. The fact that God Almighty would humble Himself in this way for us makes His name all the more remarkable.
What is God like really? We know that He is so glorious that no man can see Him and live. (Exodus 33:20) God is so far above all comprehension and understanding that we cannot even begin to fathom the depths of His character. He is even greater to us than the entire universe is to an insignificant ant. But God has revealed Himself to us and given us a small glimpse of His glory, like bright light shining in through the cracks in a door. By reading the Bible we can get a small taste of the wonder and the immensity and the brilliant shining glory that is God.
1. God is love: “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8. “God is love.” Most people know that quote, even if they aren't believers. But to understand the depth of that love is something else. God loves people more than we can ever know. He has only thoughts of a future and a hope for each and every one of us. (Jeremiah 29:11) We will never be able to fathom the true depths of God’s amazing love and care for His creation. But we can believe in it and experience some of it. And the more we think about how great that love must be, the more we will be driven on to return that love, in some small way, with our own lives.
2. God is righteous: “Righteous are You, O Lord, and upright are Your judgments.” Psalms 119:137.
In everything that God is, He is always righteous. Every decision He makes, every action He takes is just and right. He makes no mistakes. He is not unfair. Neither does God play favorites. Not even Christians will get off easier than others. Everyone will be judged according to the same standard; God’s spiritual laws. “For there is no partiality with God.” Romans 2:11. Read further in Romans 2:12-16.
3. God is forgiving: “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” 1 John 2:1.
Forgiveness is something that can be easy to take for granted. But we shouldn’t forget what amazing thing forgiveness really is. Who hasn’t done or said anything they regret? But God, in His infinite love, forgives and forgives and forgives. There are conditions for this forgiveness (Matthew 6:15, Acts 3:19) but they are not difficult to attain. God has made it as easy as possible for us to attain forgiveness and thereby experience His goodness and perfect will. And this forgiveness is absolute. When we are forgiven then we are forgiven and we are washed clean again.
4. God is patient and longsuffering: “Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus.” Romans 15:5. God is also the God of patience. He waits for us. He is longsuffering. It would be entirely right and just to send us all to death for sinning and going against His perfect plan for creation. But God has given us a gift, an undeserved way back to Him. Through Jesus Christ we can attain divine nature and live in eternity together with Him in harmony. (2 Peter 1:4) In God’s infinite patience He is willing to forgive, willing to walk with us, to teach us, to chasten us time and time again as we learn the way to Him. We humans are stubborn, headstrong, weak and stupid by nature, without a natural sense for God’s will and wisdom. We all have to admit that our progress is often slow, with many setbacks. But God never gives up as long as we have the mind and heart to serve Him. The work He has started in us will be completed. No matter how long it takes. (Philippians 1:6)
5. God is wrath: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” Romans 1:18. God is love. He is patient. He is righteous. And He is also wrath. His wrath is not over people but over sin. Because His love for people is so deep, He must necessarily hate everything that harms His creation with a hatred that runs just as deeply as His love. They are two sides of the same coin. God hates sin because He knows how damaging it is. He sees sin hurt and corrupt and destroy His perfect creation time and time again. He understands all the pain and suffering that is caused because of it. God wants to get rid of sin, utterly and thoroughly. But right now is the time of grace; a time where God has chosen to let people separate themselves from their sin. He is letting people make the decision to serve Him instead of their sin. It is a time to make use of the immense power of the wrath of God and cleanse out all of the sin that dwells in you. Let it burn through you like a fire.
6. God is almighty: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.” Isaiah 40:28-29. God can do everything. He created the heavens and the earth with a word. He breathed life into Adam and made mankind. He created the wind and the water, stars and planets, He created the entire universe. He is capable of doing anything He wants. He has the power to forgive sins and to raise people up from the dead. And more than this, He has the power to keep people from sinning and to lead them to a victorious life in Christ. (Romans 16:20) Whatever you pray for within God’s will is yours. Victory over your enemies, wisdom, patience, love, and humility: all these things are within God’s power to grant and He does not hesitate to give to those who ask. (John 14:13) There is no sinner who is too wretched for Him to save, nor any sin that is too deep for Him to forgive. When you receive the Holy Spirit then this immense power fills you and gives you the strength to serve God like you’ve never been able to do before. The Spirit flows through your heart, mind and body and gives you complete power to cease from sin. This power is far greater than sin. Just surrender completely to God, obey Him, and let His might make you utterly free.
7. God is unchanging and eternal: “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” Psalm 90:2. What is God like? God is not subject to the fluctuating whims and opinions of a flawed and degraded society. His laws and His love and His ways are the same today as they were when He created the earth. And they will continue on into eternity forever. The moral commandments that God gave to the Hebrew people thousands of years ago are the same laws He expects us to follow today. And they are the same laws He expects us to live by in all of eternity. “And God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’” Exodus 3:14. God is final. He is absolute. His will brings perfect peace and joy and harmony to all who obey Him and this harmony will extend into eternity. God’s love, His righteousness, His patience, and His might will never lessen nor change. God doesn’t change. He is perfect. And He always will be. God has reached out His hand to us to give us a future and a hope. If only we can embrace Him in time like this, we will see His mightiness in action in the affair of our society and nation at large and power of darkness will be totally subdued.
The time we are in is perilous. This is a dangerous time! It is a time of betrayal when people will not be persuaded to abide and follow God’s Word. This is an era of falsehood and deliberate deviation from the eternal truth of God’s Word that liberates souls. It may not be a surprise to us because; it is the fulfillment of the scriptures! The Bible has already predicted their character and lifestyle because their ‘conscience is seared with a hot iron’ of destruction. Ever learning, but not being able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 4:1-2. There are many oppositions of God’s Word, even in the church of Christ. These opposes of God’s Word in the guise of religious leaders have encouraged and allowed the Jezebels of this world to creep into the house of God and seduce innocent souls. These women have enthroned themselves in the house of God under the watch of a minister of God and are causing havoc to precious souls. It pains the Almighty God that the world is deluded by these false pastors and prophets. How can a minister of God, who has divorced his first wife and married another strange woman, stand on God’s pulpit and perform signs and wonders and people still believe him? Or a prophetess with mermaid hair and differently painted fingernails stand to proclaim God’s Word? The consolation is that they cannot escape the judgment of God! The spiritual standard of a Christian and a minister of God are expected to be high. His moral life should stand out to preach and point sinners to the Calvary. A minister that has messed up with ladies in his church cannot boldly preach the sound word of God and bring sinners to Him. This is one of the reasons immorality thrives unchecked in the house of God today. Our present-day Christianity has lost its flavour, contents and power. There is no righteousness among Christians. Some believers do not have the moral conscience to stand and defend the gospel because their hands are not clean. They have involved themselves in heinous acts that punctured their innocence so that they cannot stand boldly to preach the word of God in the public and demonstrate God's power and mightiness without being accused. Even when they do, it won’t produce any result in the end. This is the time we are in.
1. It is require that we remain faithful unto God for us experience His power. (Faithfulness in all things)
2. It is require that we must believe Him that He is able and there is nothing He can't do. (Strong Faith)
3. It is require that we fear the Lord and always honour Him with our lives. (Love and Honour God wholeheartedly)
1. Deliverance of Israelites from slavery and bondage. Ex. 18:9-11
2. Fulfillment of God's promises to the Israelites. Num. 10:29-32; Josh. 21:44-45, 23:14-15
3. Provision of Flourishing Place. Deut. 26:9-11
4. Victory over Enemies and taking possession of their goods. Neh. 9:25
5. God's Abundance, Peace and Prosperity. Jer. 33:9, 31:12-14; Isa. 63:7
1. Man's Unfaithfulness to God. 1 Sam. 13:13-14
2. Disbelief or Unbelief of man. Num. 14:26-30
3. Impatience man. Num. 20:7-11; Deut. 32:48-52
4. Ignorance of man. Isa. 5:13-16
5. Simple Instruction Neglected (SIN). Prov.14:34
There is nothing that can debar God from proving Himself able in the life of His faithful servant or people, no matter the accusations of their adversaries. Psalm 15:4, 86:17. If God could do it for people in the past He can do it again in your own life and in time like this, just meet with His prerequisite and you will see Him manifesting His mighty power in every aspect of your life.
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Pastor J.O. Akinyomi |
Text: Psalm 23:1-6
By:Pastor J. Oluwemimo Akinyomi
DCC Superintendent, Somolu-Olaleye DCC,Lagos
Psalm 23 is, perhaps, the most familiar and most loved portion of God’s Word.
The author of Psalm 23 was David. David was a shepherd. Each morning, he would lead his sheep to the green pasture for feeding and to the cool stream for drinking, and as it got hot, he would lead them to rest under the shadow of the trees. When evening came, he would lead them home.
All this while, he was very alert to the dangers that his sheep could be facing, especially, by attacks from the wolves. He believed if he, being a shepherd, has cared and provided abundantly for his sheep, how much more God, being the REAL SHEPHERD will provide for His people?
This Psalm was, in fact, David’s confession of God’s abundant provisions for him. It was his testimony to the reality of God in every experience of his life.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
A. Personal Relationship with the Lord
- The Lord is not any shepherd but my Shepherd.
- This amazing relationship: that God who is holy will associate with us, sinners!
B. Intimate Relationship in Life with God
- Belonging to His family.
A. Material Necessities– vv. 1b,2
1. God provides us with the necessities of our daily life as His people – Phil. 4:19.
- God will meet all your needsnot all that you want.
2. He will provide our basic necessities.
* Therefore, like David, we can say: “I shall lack nothing.”
B. Spiritual and Moral Necessities – v. 3
(Sheep are dumb animals, needing close supervision. Often, they will go astray and trespass to the properties of others.)
1. The shepherd needs to guide the sheep so that they are in their proper place.
2. At one time, like sheep, we have gone on our own sinful way (Isa. 53:6).
3. Today, we are being led to the true Way and walking in the right path.
- The path of righteousness.
4. We need to follow the True Shepherd to avoid confusion.
- He will lead us out of moral confusion or dilemma into the path of righteousness.
A. The Danger of Life: “Valley of the Shadow of Death”
- This is the danger of life.
B. We Have Valleys in Our Lives
- A weak body, sickness that tend to take away the sunshine out of our lives.
- There might be disappointment when a trusted friend suddenly proves unfaithful.
C. The Ever Presence and Protection of God – v. 4b
- David was certain of the ever presence and protection of God for him and his sheep.
- The rod and the staff were symbols of the shepherd’s presence, protection, guidance, and constant care.
* Rod was a weapon used to defend his sheep in times of danger – about 3feet long.
* A staff was used to guide the sheep into the right path – about 6-7feet.
- As Christians, the Lord has not promised that there will be no troubles or dangers in our lives. Dangers are inevitable.
- But one thing is sure: He will be with us in the midst of the danger and will provide strength for us to go through the danger or crisis that we face.
A. Friendship in Life – v. 5
1. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who gave His life for us.
- He is our Friend in this life. As Friend, we can share our lives with Him and His with us (John 15:14,15).
B. Friendship in Eternity – v. 6
1. As we look back, we are very conscious of the goodness and mercy of God that support us in the past and present of our lives.
2. As we look into the future with eyes fixed on Jesus, we may rest assured that our future will be bright.
* God provides Friendship not only in this life but in eternity too.
Song: Because He lives, I can face tomorrow…
Pastor J.F. Omolola |
Topic: The Efficacy of His Word
Text: Psalms 119:116 NKJV, Psalms 119:116 NIV, Psalms 119:116. NLT
By: Pastor J.F. Omolola
DCC Superintendent, CAC Agbara DCC, Lagos
There is no mention or identifying of the author of Psa 119. Hence, It is classified as an anonymous Psalm. Jewish tradition has suggested Ezra or one of his disciples, while some older commentators ascribed it to David. Nevertheless, whosoever wrote the psalm had shown himself as someone who had experienced challenges, trials, and success in life. And he made this profound conclusions:
1. Blessings, success, and fulfillment is consequence of obedience to the words of God
2. Curse, failure, and destruction is consequence of ignorance and disobedience to God’s words.
This psalmist believed that the only way he can live ( fulfill his destiny and accomplish his course in life ), is through the promise of God being fulfilled in his life. He also expressed that his hope and expectation is premised upon the promises of God as found in His words.
Hence, this informed the prayer in this text , which serves as our watchword for 2024.
The Holy Spirit is speaking to us through our fathers in this mission, as every year comes with its challenges, uphills, and opportunities; that we must anchor our lives on God’s promises revealed in His words.
Implication and God’s expectations over the watchword
1. Our hope and expectation must not go beyond what God promised. As the CAC president, Pastor S.O. Oladele said, “some ministers are advertising the products that the Lord Jesus does not have on his shelf.“ ( Jer.29:8-9 )
2. As much as possible we must seek to know all what the Lord promised us in the scripture as it concerns every situations, challenges, and circumstances of life. This means we must continue to study the scripture diligently ( Joshua 1:7-8 )
3. Having known the promises of God for all circumstances of life, we must learn to trust and hope in God’s promises no matter what we see, hear, or feel. ( Prov.3:5-6; Jer.17:7; Rom.15:4 ).
4. We must pray and confess the promises of God to every circumstance that we face in life. E.g
⁃ God promises to heal ( Exodus.15:26; Psalm:103:3 )
⁃ God promises to provide ( Matthew 6:31-33 )
⁃ God promises to bless ( Deut.28:1-2 )
⁃ God promises to protect ( Isaiah.26:3 )
⁃ God promises to help ( Isaiah.42:10 )
⁃ God promises not to dash our hope ( Rom.9:33,10:11 )
5. We must live by the principles of God’s words so that the promises of God’s word can come to pass in our lives ( Prov. 28:9 , John 15: 7 )
“We must hold on to the hope we have, never hesitating to tell people about it. We can trust God to do what He promised.”
Hebrews 10:23 ERV.
The world system is failing, institutions are failing and politics is failing. Only the word of God will never fail because it’s alive and powerful. Its power can sustain us to the end. Let us hold firmly to the promise of God.
Pastor F.A. Daramola |
Text: Acts 1:9-11, Revelation 22:1
By: Pastor F.A. Daramola
Zonal Superintendent, CAC Oshodi Zone, Lagos
The Bible tells us that the coming of Christ is imminent, which means that it could happen at any moment. So Paul teaches Christian to be ready and must expect at any moment that Jesus will soon return to the earth. BE READY, JESUS IS COMING AGAIN! The doctrine of Christ’s return is fundamental, scriptural, and controversial. It is fundamental in that all true Christians believe that one day Jesus himself will return to the earth. It is scriptural in that our faith rests not in our dreams but in the clear revelation of God’s Word. It is controversial in that Christians have often differed among themselves regarding the details pertaining to Christ’s return. In this message, I just want to ask one question: What will the Second Coming of Christ be like? Let us consider three answers to that question.
I. JESUS COMING WILL BE PERSONAL(v.11who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”) Acts 1:11 makes it clear that Jesus himself will one day return to the earth. It will be “this same Jesus” who is coming again. Twice in one verse Luke uses the word “same” to make it clear of His Second Coming. The same Jesus who left will one day return. And he will return the same way that he left.In plain English, those words teach us that Jesus is coming back personally, literally, visibly and bodily. We can assume that his return to the earth will be no less amazing and no less surprising.The truth is that the actual, historical figure who lived 2000 years ago on the other side of the world is returning to the earth one more time.
ü In 1800 William Miller predicted the return of Christ in 1844 All over the Northeast, half a million Adventists awaited the end of the world on April 3, 1843. Journalists reportedly some disciples were on mountaintops, hoping for a head start to heaven. Others were in graveyards, planning to ascend in union with their departed loved ones.
ü In 1992 Harold Camping predicted the end, again nothing happened and he changed his date to 1993 and then 1994.
ü In 1995, there was a person who announced that the Lord told him that He is coming on October 28. Later I learned that the leader was imprisoned for staffa because he used his employers money for his campaign.
I just want to give one comment. These groups—however were misguided—but were right about one thing. God in the person of Christ is coming back someday. “I will come back,” Jesus said (John 14:3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.). One day those words will be fulfilled before our very eyes.
II. JESUS COMING WILL BE GLORIOUS(v. 9. Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight) Acts 1 tells us that Jesus was caught up in a cloud and taken to heaven. The cloud that carried Jesus into heaven was no ordinary cloud but was in fact the same cloud that led Israel in the wilderness. It is the cloud that represents the glory of God. Luke 21:27. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Tells us that Jesus will return “in a cloud with power and great glory.”
There are differences surrounding Jesus first coming to his second coming.
· The first time Jesus came unnoticed into the world, the second time “every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.).
· In his first coming Jesus humbled himself, being born in a stable in Bethlehem. When he returns, he will come back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
· The first time he came he was judged and sentence by the people according to their wrong standard, but when he comes, he will judge every person according to God’s standard.
When Jesus first came into the earth the religious leaders shouted in scorn Him saying, “He saved others, but he cannot save himself!” (Matthew 27:42“He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him). The day is coming when the whole world will see Jesus as he really is. When that happens, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.). Jesus will one day return “in power and great glory.”
III. JESUS COMING IS IMMINENT: The Bible also tells us that the coming of Christ is imminent, which means that it could happen at any moment. Again and again, the New Testament exhorts us to “watch” and be ready for his return (Matthew 24:42Watch therefore, for you do not know what [a]hour your Lord is coming.) Paul teaches that Christian must expect at any moment that Jesus will soon return to the earth.It is been 2000 years and some of God’s children feel tired and hungry. We wonder why Jesus has not come back yet. Perhaps he has forgotten us. Perhaps he made other plans. If you feel like that little boy, take heart. He said he would come back—and he will. All true Christians believe that Jesus will come back someday. He said he would—and he never forgets his promises.
The word imminent does not mean immediate. Paul was not mistaken for that. He expected to see Christ return in his lifetime, and said so. When we use the word imminent for the Second Coming, it means two things:
1. The Uncertainty as to time
2. The Possibility of nearness.
“Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come” (Mark 13:33Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.). This should warn us against the danger of setting dates and reading too much into the “signs” of the end times. Jesus wants us to see that knowing the exact date is not important but being ready is. I Thessalonians 5:2, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."While we work and while we pray, let us always remember our “Blessed Hope”, the return of Jesus to the earth. Let us be ready for His coming!
Before I end this sermon, I would love to give you some simple questions through song. If He came here today would you be ready? Do you know for sure that He’s your Lord? If you say, “I hope so” or “I’m not sure,” you really are not ready at all. This song will guide you also what to do: By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. You will live with the King forevermore! You can be ready by opening your heart and trusting him as your Savior and Lord.
I. In the twinkling of an eye He is coming
Like a thief in the night He’ll be there
We shall meet Him in the air in all His glory
Maranatha! He is coming He’ll be there.
Chorus:Maranatha, Maranatha, Jesus is coming again (2x)
He’s coming again!
II. If He came here today would you be ready
Do you know for sure that He’s your Lord
By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savor
You will live with the King forevermore!
Chorus:Maranatha, Maranatha, Jesus is coming again (2x)
Pastor Mich 'Tunji Oladapo |
Text: HEBREWS 10: 35
By:Pastor Mich 'Tunji Oladapo
Zonal Superintendent, CAC Life & Power Zone, Lagos
The future is full of uncertainties. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. We face it by faith and with confidence. No one knows what year 2024 will bring; we only step into it with belief that all will be well.
Our Gospel Hymn626 stanza 3 says:
We expect a bright tomorrow;
All will be well;
Faith can sing through days of sorrow
All, all is well;
On our Father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying,
Then in living or in dying
All must be well.
The unsavoury experiences in governance in the now almost render gloomy the hope that tomorrow will produce anything better. It appears that things are going from bad to worst. Humanly speaking, there is no hope of a better tomorrow in a country like ours that is precipitated with insincerity, corruption, cheating, violence, killing, kidnapping, banditry, and so on. It is in the light of this that children of God need to face the year with confidence. By “confidence” am not talking about self confidence; rather I am talking about God confidence, that is confidence in God.
Self confidence is having faith in oneself to do what seems right in one’s own eyes and walk in one’s own ways. This type of confidence cannot carry any one any far because by this one relies on his own ability, knowledge, efforts, wisdom, etc. This has limited potential.
Confidence in God is when your faith is rooted in who you are in Jesus Christ. It is about being confident in who God is, in th4e finished work of Christ on the cross. It means completely relying on the strength of God. God confidence has unlimited possibility. I exhort you, therefore, to step into and face the New Year with confidence because of inevitability of many challenges it may bring.
What then are the bases for our confidence in God?
- We have confidence in the assurance of His power – I give you power (Luke 10: 19).
Ø With His power we can subdue enemies, trample on evil powers.
Ø With His power we can mount up with wings as eagles.
Ø Power to make us wealthy – Deut. 8: 18
Ø Power to meet all our needs – Phil. 4: 19.
- We have confidence in the assurance of His presence
Ø His presence affords peace – Exodus 33: 14
Ø His presence allays fear – “Surely, even though I walk through the valley of shadow of dearth, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me…” – Psalms 23: 4.
Ø Fear not, for I am with you….Isaiah 41: 10-13.
Ø His presence is promised when we are passing through fire and water – Isaiah 43: 1ff
Ø He promises His presence with us always – Matt. 28: 20.
- We have confidence in the assurance of His unfailing promises:
Ø He promises to keep us in perfect peace – Isaiah 26: 3
Ø He promises to preserve our going out and our coming in – Psalm 121: 8
Ø He promises to guide and to guard us, instructing us from time to time – Psalm 32: 8.
- We have confidence in the assurance of answered prayers
Ø If we ask anything according to His will, He answereth us – I John 5: 14
Ø Call upon me and I will answer….Jer. 33: 3.
Ø Ask, and it shall be given you….. Matt. 7: 7
Ø If ye abide in me, and my word abides in you……John 15: 7
As we are stepping out into the New Year only by faith in what only God can do, I want our government at all levels of governance to understand the plight of the masses. I want to stress unequivocally that we deserve more than we are getting from this government. We have lost confidence in the integrity and sincerity of this government as a result of so many promises that never witnessed fulfillment. Let me quickly say this that by the experiences we have been having in the very recent times, this administration will have to put in extra efforts in order to restore the confidence of the masses in them.
Notwithstanding, however, we will not fail to intercede unto God on behalf of the nation, especially that God should put the love of the mercies in the hearts of our leaders; that our leaders should lead with the fear of God; for we sincerely believe that in the peace of our nation, we too will have peace – Jer. 29: 7.
I say happy New Year to all children of God and I am wishing us many happy returns, if Christ tarries in his second coming.
To God be the Glory, we need more messages like this to renew our younger generation, because if foundations is faulty what can the righteous do?