CAC Council of Publicity Secretaries holds 20th Annual Publicity Conference


By Samuel Olamide Osifuye

Christ Apostolic Church Council of Publicity Secretaries (CACCOPS) holds its 20th Annual Publicity Week/Conference on Friday, 19th July, 2024, at the CAC All Saints Chapel, CAC General Secretariat, Ibadan. The theme for the decentralized conference was 'Faith-based Organizations and the Need for Innovative Communication Strategies’ and it comprises participants from Lagos, Ogun, Oyo amd Osun States.  

The conference featured notable speakers who emphasized the urgent need for faith-based organizations to embrace modern communication tools to effectively reach and engage a wider audience.

Representing the President of Christ Apostolic Church Nigeria & Overseas, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele, Superintendent of CAC Babalola Region, Pastor G.S. Dada urged CACCOPS to harness the power of social media, websites, and mobile apps.

He stressed the importance of adopting innovative communication strategies such as storytelling, visual content, and community engagement. Pastor Oladele highlighted the necessity of targeted campaigns to raise awareness, promote events, and foster deeper engagement among church members.

The President further elaborated on 'the place of strategic publicity and public relations in result-oriented church management'. He stressed that effective communication serves as a crucial bridge between the church and its congregation in an era where attention spans are short and information is abundant.

According to Pastor Oladele, strategic publicity not only manages the church's image but also enhances its perception both internally and externally.

In his keynote address, Director of Publicity, CAC Nigeria & Overseas, Pastor Ademisoye Alawode challenged attendees to embrace innovative communication strategies amidst today's information overload.

He emphasized the timeless message of faith and salvation, calling for methods that resonate with clarity and relevance in the digital age.

Pastor Alawode highlighted the transformative potential of thoughtful and prayerful use of communication tools to extend the church's ministry beyond physical boundaries.

The Special Assistant to CAC President, Pastor T.D Asokeji added his perspective on 'leveraging on the benefits of effective communication strategies for the achievement of the vision and mission of faith-based organizations.'

He emphasized that clear and intentional communication breathes vitality into organizational vision and mission.

Pastor Asokeji pointed out that strategic communication not only disseminates information but also inspires action and passion among members and stakeholders.

Moreover, he stressed the ethical dimensions of communication within a faith-based context, calling for transparency, integrity, and empathy in all communication efforts.

A solemn prayer session dedicated to the church, the nation, and the CACCOPS was held, stressing the importance of spiritual guidance and collective strength. Attendees, including clergy members and congregants, gathered in earnest supplication, seeking divine intervention and blessings for the challenges facing both the church and the wider community.

Another highlight was a dynamic workshop where participants were organized into groups. Focused on the theme 'Communicating the Church’s Message Using the Media', each subgroup engaged in vigorous discussions aimed at enhancing the church’s outreach and engagement through modern communication channels. Following these deliberations, each group presented a comprehensive communiqué summarizing their insights and proposed strategies.

The conference ended in a heartfelt thanksgiving session, led by the Director of Publicity, CAC Nigeria & Overseas, Pastor Alawode. Overflowing with gratitude for the past year's achievements and looking forward with hope to the future, attendees joined in fervent praise, acknowledging the guidance and blessings received while anticipating the challenges and opportunities of the year ahead.

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